The procedure

step 1 the intake

During your first appointment, the doctor explains the procedure, the possible risks and postoperative care. You can ask any questions you may have and the doctor examines your eye and eyelids, and discusses your options.

Next, the doctor will walk you through a medical declaration, asking you about your health and possible use of any medication. The declaration is included in your file. If you’re taking any kind of medication, please bring a recent overview to the intake.

Following your intake, you can schedule an appointment for the procedure and take a brochure home with all relevant information.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, you can always contact the consultant.

step 2 the procedure

On the day of the procedure, the assistant welcomes you and photographs your face for your file. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and takes approximately 45 minutes. During the procedure, excess skin and, if necessary, muscle and fat tissue are removed. Once that’s done, the incision is closed with fine stitches. You can go home right after the procedure, but we do advise to bring someone to take you.

During the first week following the procedure, your eyelids may be swollen. Therefore, most people take a few days off from work after treatment. After five days the stitches are removed. Should you have any questions or concerns during those days, you can always contact your consultant.

step 3 recovery & postoperative care

Five days after the procedure, we remove the stitches. In most cases, removing the stitches speeds up the recovery process.

The scar is still visible, often with some scabs. In time, the swelling disappears and the scar fades, to the point where it’s only visible as a thin line you’re your eyes are closed. At the end of the treatment, you’ll get a scar cream to apply at home.

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